The present study aims to corroborate associations between Internet addiction and psychopathological symptomatology. For this purpose, a sample of 418 participants, between the ages of 18 and 35, completed a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Internet Addition Test, and the Brief Symptom Inventory depression, anxiety, hostility, and interpersonal sensitivity scales. We observed that 87.8% of the participants had low to mild addition, being males significantly more addicted. Internet addiction was positively associated with depression, anxiety, hostility, and interpersonal sensitivity. Comparisons by three levels of addiction found significant differences between groups on psychopathological symptomatology. The exception was on the variable hostility. Internet addiction is problematic. The association between psychological symptoms and the person´s level of perception of their level of addiction requires particular attention from health practitioners. The association between psychological symptoms and the person´s level of perception of their level of addiction requires particular attention from health practitioners.
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