Emotion recognition in faces and eye behavior in social anxiety: A study on eye-tracking
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social anxiety
emotional facial expression
emotion recognition

How to Cite

Ferreira, A., Cardoso, C., Samões, J., & Leite, Ângela. (2020). Emotion recognition in faces and eye behavior in social anxiety: A study on eye-tracking. PsychTech & Health Journal, 4(1), 10-31. https://doi.org/10.26580/PTHJ.art26-2020


Eye-tracking is a tracking system through which one can study the emotional recognition of subjects diagnosed with social anxiety. Given the importance of facial expressions and their recognition, this study aimed to investigate the recognition of emotions in faces as well as eye movements observed in subjects with social anxiety. For that purpose, eye-tracking technology was used to understand whether individuals with high anxiety revealed different attentional patterns than subjects with low or no social anxiety. For this purpose, a systematic review was carried out, resulting in 20 articles. With regards to the main results, it was found that ocular patterns are concentrated mainly in the ocular region when participants are in the presence of emotions considered negative. In contrast, in the presence of positive emotions, eye movements were directed towards the mouth region were observed. The literature suggests initial hypervigilance in attentional processes effect and later avoidance, especially when facing negative facial expressions such as anger. However, the present review showed disagreement between the researchers. It is concluded that, in general, eye-tracking systems are advantageous, with applicability in subclinical and clinical populations, such as social anxiety.

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